Colby James

Colby James
That's Our Boy!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Colby is a wonderful little boy!! He is so sweet and smiles all the time!! He has adjusted very well to us!! Way better and faster than we expected!! Special thanks to everyone who prayed for his transition! We have not been able to blog before today because the Chinese Government had blocked all blogs in and out of the country as well as Youtube. Today is the first day that we have been able to pull up our site on the computer. We have so much share with you but we are leaving in a few minutes to visit the Shenyang Aquarium with CJ. We will post a few pictures now and then another blog later today! Colby is a real sweetheart and we all love him! We were told that the children usually become attached to one person in a family first and he has chosen Madison!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!!!!!! Colby is sooo precious & of course he smiles all the time because he is with the sweetest family ever!!! :)We are sooo excited for y'all & can't wait to meet him in person!!! Keep us posted!
    With Much Love~The Shead family


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