Colby James

Colby James
That's Our Boy!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Pictures!

Steve and Colby taking a morning walk on our last day in Shenyang, his hometown.

A picture before boarding our plane from Shenyang to Guangzhou. We flew on China Southern.

After attending a Christian Church service, we asked the pastor to pray over Colby in Chinese. It was a very long, wonderful prayer! We got the whole prayer on video and someday will get it interpreted.

Colby thinks he is ready for a swim in the pool - but actually is very afraid of the water once we get there.

The flight attendents all loved Colby and asked if they could get a picture with him. They wrote a nice letter to him in English. He did not enjoy his first plane ride at all - was very fussy!


  1. What a great time seeing you guys last night, thank you so much for spending time with Jeff and me so we could meet Colby and hear your awesome story firsthand!!

    God is certainly ALL OVER this situation: from the first time at the beach when you shared your heart that God tugged at both of you to adopt, isn't it more than ironic that Colby was being born not too long after that, barely making it, but making it he did!! Just for your family.

    I find it fascinating your adoption officer thought Colby looks so much like your family already and seemed to fit right in - out of 100 adoptions, Colby reacted as though everything was normal unlike all the others who cried and screamed?! That's just proof of God's working and the power of prayer! Praise God!

    Can't believe it will be a year before we see you again, but if that's truly the case, can't wait til July 2010! Take care and GOD BLESS you all.

    Love, Debby and Jeff, Jacob and Heather


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